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Unlock Smarter Business Leads with Pincode Precision Data
Discover, verify, and target the right business leads effortlessly.
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Next-Gen Lead Generation for Maximum Growth
Instant Business Identification
Simply enter a pincode, and our platform identifies all registered businesses in the area, giving you instant access to critical data—no manual effort required.
Actionable Market Insights
Gain deep insights into local businesses, helping you evaluate market size and potential with accuracy for smarter decision-making.
market insight
Data Analytics for Better Decisions
Turn raw data into valuable insights with our structured analytics, simplifying lead generation and streamlining onboarding with a single click.
data analytics
Driving Efficiency, Boosting Growth
Unlock the power of accurate targeting, turning high-potential leads into conversions faster than ever before
boosting growth
Boost conversion rates by 25-30% with precision targeting that ensures your sales efforts focus only on high-potential businesses.
Drive profitability by increasing cross-sell and upsell success rates by 20%, thanks to tailored financial products for each business's unique needs.
Accelerate lead-to-sale cycles by 30%, with faster verification and onboarding processes powered by advanced data insights and automation.
How it Works?
Select Pin Code
Input the desired location to identify businesses in the area.
first step
PIN Code
vertical line
second step
Select Industry
Choose the industry you want to target for precise lead generation.
vertical line
Select Revenue Range
Define the revenue bracket to filter businesses based on their financial standing
third step
10-50 Cr
vertical line
business detailsfourth step
Get the Report
Instantly receive a detailed report with verified business leads and market insights.
Get more out of ZOOP solutions
Transform post-disbursal documentation into a seamless, automated workflow.
More Solutions Coming Soon....
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